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Day 67

Today was a walk around Combe Hills Wood. Never been there before, and I won't be going back again!! Place looked nice at the car park, but as soon as you venture into the woods, the paths are just full of mud! Am sure during the summer its lovely, but today was just crappy trying to walk without slipping over all the time. Took the enjoyment out of it all. 

So about a mile into the walk, perhaps a bit more, we decided to head up to the high point and see the view. The path was very steep and had to stop once or twice due to it being really steep, and to allow me to just catch my breath. Wasn't struggling like I would have done before my heart attack, but there was still a bit more to climb. Once I reached the top, the views were great to be honest. My partner had decided that this walk wasnt long enough once we got back to the car and as Glastonbury Tor was just 10mins away by car, we, or should I say, her, decided to go there and take a walk up to the Tor. I had never been before after all these years living within an hours drive of the place, so off we went.

At Glastonbury, you instantly notice lots of middle aged people walking around in tye dyed trousers, weird hats, long braided hair that hasn't been washed in years and the smell of cannabis floats around in the air around each corner. There are some weird people, nice enough, but it was interesting to watch people and hear people.

So the walk along the road to Glastonbury tour there are a couple of routes up to the Tor itself. I decided to go for the steeper climb, but slightly shorter climb. Although it looks mighty steep approaching the Tor, once you go up this path, take it steady and you will be fine. I didn't struggle with this, in fact, since my bypass, I have to say I haven't struggled at all, just a bit out of breath like any normal person would be climbing up a steep path.

The views at the top were AMAZING. 360 degree views from the top. Great place for taking in the view, so if you are in the area of Glastonbury or are thinking of visiting, just do it and take in the view.


Day 97

Apart from the walking to the shops and back, which is a few times a week, its been a couple of weeks since i did a big walk. Today was Melbury Hill (theres a beacon at the top) and its quite a high hill. The steepest hill i have done and I though Stourhead was steep, but this is on a different level !!! The photos don't really show the really steep part of it, so you will have to take my word for it.

Enjoyable walk, thought I might struggle with the steepness, but although i was out of breath at the top, thats partly for going too fast, but its quite a long steep walk, but could still hold a conversation going up. Onwards and upwards.

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